About Me

Vancouver, Washington
Old. That about says it all. Gray is good, too. Affinity for facial hair. Unfortunate affinity for back hair. Loves writing...but it is hard so it often doesn't happen. Happiest at home with my family. Married my best friend.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Slobber is moving

Slobber is much more comfortable being 'fleshed out" , as it were, in a more private forum. So, he is moving to AppleWorks where he will have a quiet folder to himself...much less embarassment and stress when the bandages come off. However, he will be making regular appearances on Chiaroscuro--he calls them "excerpts". They will be little snatches of his growth and development, of his life and story, along with many of the characters in the school and in his town that he has yet to introduce, even to me.

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